Dallas, TX - Bulldog Fellowship Dinner

Join your Dallas Dawgs as we host casual dinners to fellowship and connect with our Bulldog Family each month.
Thursday, September 21
6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Mike's Chicken
7752 Forest Lane
Dallas, TX
Contact Ed Jones at the email below to RSVP and ask any questions.
Your Dallas, Texas Alumni Chapter is striving to offer opportunities to keep our Mississippi State family connected for a strong Bulldog presence in the DFW metroplex. Please join us as your time allows. We welcome activity suggestions - we want to know what you want to do as a Dallas Dawgs family!
Dawgs helping Dogs [and Cats] - Service in our Community
Please bring an item(s) to benefit one of our Dallas Animal Shelters.
More Bulldog dinners are scheduled for each month in different areas of the Metroplex.
Location suggestions are welcome, as are monthly dinner hosts.
Tentative Schedule:
October 22 - Blue 22, Trophy Club, TX
November 16 - OMG Tacos, Richardson, TX
December TBA - Good Day Cafe, Grand Prarie, TX